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  • 【贝茨勋爵日记】终于开启2018年“为梦想行走”中国之旅








    徒步鞋是我最重要的装备,上周我从“北面(North Face)”紧急订购了一双,但临走的今天还是没有收到。我只好迅速赶到了位于考文特花园的“北面”商店,向他们解释了我的处境,他们给我提供了很多帮助,尤其是一名来自台湾的女士为我的徒步鞋费了不少精力。他们的库存没有我想要的款式,但她耐心地给我试了很多型号。最后总算挑好了一双合适的鞋子。


    原文 / 麦克·贝茨勋爵

    翻译 / 郭春涛

    翻译校对 / 陈必萍

    微信编辑 / 杨帅,李璟瑶

    总校对 / 雪琳


    It is 20:24 and I am to be found in Heathrow Terminal 4 waiting to board my flight to Shanghai and then up to Beijing, the starting point of our 2018 walk. This is the seventh walk which Xuelin and I have done together. So far we have covered 8000+ miles and raised £500,000+ for charities.

    This year we will not be adding much to the total of miles–approx. 200 but we are hoping we might make a significant addition to the fundraising total. More funds raised, less distance walked–this is Xuelin’s vision of heaven, for me I am not as sure. There are also multiple levels to any charitable activity, first is the cause for which you re raising funds; then there is the challenge of the walk–this is less so this year as it is our shortest ever walk by some margin but there is another level and that is the experience of the walk and this is where the walk will be amazing.

    We have walked through 25 countries and only two I would say have been truly exceptional in terms of the welcome we have received and friendships which were developed–China and Ireland. We walked 1000 miles from Beijing to Hangzhou in 2015 and it was without doubt the most incredible walk we have done. What made it so was the many young Red Cross volunteers who joined us along the road sometimes for a day, sometimes for a few hours, sometimes just for a selfie but it was those conversations which made the walk so memorable.

    This year we will be joined on our Walk from Beijing to Caofedian in Hebei Province by students from Caofedian Technical College. It is a wonderful college that Xuelin and I visited in 2016 and struck up and immediate friendship with students and teachers. We promised to come back for another walk and this is the fulfilment of that pledge. Through our walk we hope to be able to raise funds for scholarships for disadvantaged students to get a springboard to their life chances by attending the college to study a vocational skill. We will also raise funds for The Prince’s Trust the charity of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales which helps disadvantaged young people in the UK.

    To be quite frank this year’s walk has been a real struggle to organise so many barriers seemed to be placed in our way that we began to wonder whether we would ever get to the start line never mind the finish line. Xuelin is incredible in this regard. It is said there are three types of people–those who wait for things to happen, those who make things happen and those who ask what happened. Xuelin makes things happen and when the going got tough she got on a plane and went to China ten days ago to get things ready. I have missed her and I can’t wait to see her at the airport tomorrow.

    Today has been a mad dash with so many things needing to come together. My son and his young lady friend were arriving from Brazil and they needed to get there before I left to handover keys and paperwork. They arrived at 5:40PM–I left at 6PM so that connection worked.

    My walking shoes–the most critical bit of kit had been ordered from North Face last week with Express Delivery sadly despite waiting to the very last moment I didn’t receive the delivery never mind the express bit. I dashed to the North Face store in Covent Garden and explained my situation–they could not have been more helpful especially a young lady from Taiwan. They didn’t have the exact style I wanted in stock but she patiently took me through all the options. I tried them on and bounced around many times before finally choosing a pair.

    So, almost there, just a 5000 mile flight to go before I see Xuelin and we can start looking forward to getting going.



    责编:李   倩

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