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  • 【贝茨勋爵日记】徒步第5天——生命的谢幕


    今日徒步: 13.11 英里 / 21.10 公里

    累计徒步: 75.24 英里 / 121.10 公里

    今日捐款: 12,220.00元

    累计捐款: 40,210.00元














    原文 / 麦克·贝茨勋爵

    翻译 / 杨梦

    翻译校对 / 陈必萍

    微信编辑 / 杨帅

    总校对 / 李熙琳、雪琳


    Walked: 13.11 miles

    Total: 75.24 miles

    Today raised: ¥ 12,220.00

    Total raised: ¥ 40,210.00

    "Every persons life ends the same way. It is only how they lived that distinguishes one from another"  

    ——Ernest Hemingway(21st century American novelist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. His book 'The Sun Also Rises' published in 1926 is regarded as one of the finest works of American literature)

    We started out from the newly named 'UK-China Friendship Bridge. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining brightly and there was a strong and cool breeze coming down from the mountains behind us. It was perfect walking weather.

    We were joined on the walk by Professor Fang Ning from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. he was a specialist in Chinese political structures especially at the local levels and had written several well read books including 'China's Democratic Path'. Professor Fang had learnt about our walking when he read the book of our walk from Beijing to Hangzhou in 2015. He and friends had walked the same route in 2017. We had lots to talk about and lots of time to walk and talk.

    Along the way we stopped at a village which was visible from the road and he pointed to the different heights of the roofs. I had never noticed this before. I asked why this was so. He said it was a reflection of the status of the home owner--the higher the roof the higher the status. I was intrigued by this and asked more. He explained that the height of the roof is set out in local regulations, therefore if you have manged to get permission to raise your roof then you must have influence. Of course great care needs to be taken that you don't raise your roof too high as this may cause offence to someone more powerful in the village.

    The importance of status in China is based on a Confucian culture which encourages respect. I am very familiar to the importance of seating plans in Chinese dinners and also for photos. Even the touch of glasses for a toast needs to reflect status with the lower status person touching the glass of the higher status person's glass just below the rim. Status is important but only because of the underlying culture of respect.

    All human societies to a greater or lesser degree have ways of reflecting social status. In the UK this is done through social class; in India through the caste system; in America through material wealth in others by tribal grouping or religious affiliation. I understand status obsession--we get it from our animal ancestors. I recall watching a documentary about Snub-nosed Monkeys in Hubei who live in large community groups of 500-600 and display all the same competitive territorial and hieratical instincts visible within human communities.

    Although I understand the origins of the instinct I do have difficulty in accepting it especially when it becomes a barrier to people with talent and ability progressing. It should be that the quality of someone's life is judged by how they have lived it.

    Nearing the end of the day were walking along the S361 and there was an accident in which a large lorry carrying steel pipes had tipped over and blocked the road in both directions near Woluoghuzen. We were asked to wait and noticed a wood cutting yard. Xuelin went in and asked if it would be okay for us to look around. They were very welcoming but we were in for a surprise as the wood cutting they were doing was to make funeral coffins.

    Xuelin became very uncomfortable at this stage--death is not an acceptable topic of conversation in Chinese society and yet I was intrigued to learn more. My father was a Church pastor and would conduct many funerals (and more happily weddings and baptisms). My father was very popular to take services because he took great care to understand the life of the person who had died and their family and friends. He believed that everyone's life as extraordinary and the funeral was an opportunity to tell their story. I often joke with my father that I hope he is around to do my funeral as it will undoubtedly be the best assessment of life and legacy it would be possible to get.

    Back to the wood mill: It was run by Liu Zhen Hua an she took us into a large warehouse where there were around 100 huge coffins. I was immediately struck by their size--probably ten times the size of a British coffin. They weighed an average of 1.5 tonnes. I asked whether they were burned or buried--buried was the reply. I thought for the gravedigger who would have to dig an enormous hole to put it in. The large coffin was a tradition although now bodies must be cremated so it is only the ashes that are in the enormous box. A coffin costs between RMB 4000- RMB 5000 and it is common for people to choose their coffin when they are alive.

    Why I asked would people want such a large coffin? The reply was that familiar word 'status'. But, I said it is going to be buried in the ground so isn't that a waste. No, she replied, before it is buried it is paraded around the village carried on the shoulders of villagers. I was further amazed--how many people does it take to carry the coffin--30 people--she answered. The bigger and better decorated the coffin the greater the status of the person inside--just like the height of the roofs. The ceremony would differ depending on the age of the deceased person. If they were over 80 then they had what was called a 'happy funeral' with cheerful music. If less than 80 then it was sad.

    I reflected on my father's view that the funeral service was for not for the benefit of the dead but for comfort of the living. The children who have lost a much loved father, grandmother, brother, daughter,friend or colleague. I saw that the size of the coffin did matter because it was a reflection of the respect they had for the life lived and their desire to achieve comfort for their sense of loss through feeling they had honoured them appropriately in their final journey through this world. My father and Mrs Lui would be at one in that desire.




    责编:李   倩

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