



今日徒步: 16.59 英里 / 26.70 公里

累计徒步: 91.83 英里 / 147.80 公里

今日捐款: 1,700.00元

累计捐款: 41,910.00元



如往常一样,我和雪琳与学生们聊了起来,告诉他们在徒步的过程中要特别注意两点: 首先,一定要注意安全。徒步结束后,你们会回家与家人团聚。所以请大家注意安全,听从指挥,互相照应。其次,希望你们能乐在其中,享受“为梦想行走”徒步活动的特殊经历,并且不希望我们之间保持距离。每走5公里停下来休息片刻时,我希望同学们能主动过来交流,玩自拍也可以,或与我们做个自我介绍或谈谈各自的梦想。最后,我们用中文高喊了一声“加油”之后,便开始了今天的徒步活动。

当我们在今天徒步的第一站停下时,我和雪琳问是否有人可以唱首歌来鼓舞一下士气。大家纷纷向一个男孩看去。他低着头站在队伍的后面,大家叫了声“靳泽桐”,示意他过来。我们邀请靳同学到前面来,问他能不能唱首歌。他显得有些紧张,仍然低着头看着手机,用大拇指刷着歌单。然后,他播放了丹麦流行乐乐队“迈克尔学摇滚”(Michael learning to Rock)的音乐《拥吾进汝心》(Take me to your heart),他抬起头,打开肩膀,从内心深处释放出了天使般的声音。








原文 / 麦克·贝茨勋爵
翻译 / 陈必萍
翻译校对 / 杨梦
微信编辑 / 杨帅
总校对 / 李熙琳、雪琳

Walked: 16.59 miles
Total: 91.83 miles
Today raised: ¥ 1,700.00
Total raised: ¥ 41,910.00
"Life's full of lots of dream-stealers always telling you you need to do something more sensible. I think it doesn't matter what your dream is, just fight the dream-stealers and hold onto it."
——(Bear Grylls British adventurer and writer and Chief Scout)
It was another beautiful clear day but with a stronger breeze coming down from the mountains. We were joined by a new group of twenty young students from Caofeidian Technical School. They had all volunteered to give up their weekend to walk 20km along dusty busy roads with a 'Crazy Englishman'. Just to get to meet us they had needed to get up at 5AM and travel for over two hours on the coach.
Xuelin and I gave our usual talk to the visitors: Our two concerns are 1 that you are safe and you return to your families at the end of the day so please take great care, listen to your guides and look after each other. Second, we want you to have fun--to enjoy the experience of 'Walking your Dream' we don't want you to keep your distance--when we stop to rest every 5km we want you to come up and talk, take pictures, tell us about yourselves and your dreams. With that there was a huge "Jia You"--(come on!) and we were off.
At our first stop Xuelin and asked whether anyone had any music they could share to keep us going. The group start looking round in the direction of a young man with his head down at the back of the group and saying 'Jing. Jing'. We invited Jing forward, he was very nervous and asked him if he could play some music. His head was still down staring into his smartphone and moving a menu with his thumb. Then he started the music 'Take me to your heart' by Danish pop group 'Michael Learns to Rock', lifted his head, put his shoulders back and released the voice of an angel from deep within.
The experience was all the more profound because it was so unexpected. The words were wonderful and he communicated them with such strength of feeling:
Take me to your heart, take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is, haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true
They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
I will never forget Jing Ze Tong or 'Jing Sing' as I called him in English. He got me thinking because if someone had asked me to pick someone out from the crowd of students who could sing such a song I probably would not have picked him. But in a way that is understandable because if we don't know people then we don't know what they are capable of doing. His friends and fellow students did and that is why we had such a treat. In my experience great talent is buried deep within like diamonds and gold you rarely find them on the surface they need to be dug out.
I was in philosophical mood as a result of the song and noticed there were so many caterpillars on the ground. I was trying to avoid them and encouraging others to do the same. I made the point that caterpillars had the best part of their lives ahead of them--becoming butterflies. Sadly the strong winds had blown many of them out of the trees where they were feeding and preparing for metamorphosis.
It was heart breaking to see them struggling to find their way back to the trees. The trees in China have the first metre painted white. The most heart breaking part was seeing caterpillars who were climbing painted roadside white mile/km markers thinking they were trees where they would find leaves to feed on and to wrap themselves in to transition to butterflies--surely one of nature's greatest magic tricks.
Instead they found at the end of their climbing only concrete and were made easy pickings for the birds. I wanted to tell them 'Look not everything which is painted white at the bottom has a tree at the top. Try and apply a few more tests from your senses before you start to climb!' I explained that story to the students and said, sadly the caterpillar can't understand me but perhaps you can. before you start climbing try and make sure it is a tree--and just because everyone else is climbing doesn't mean that there are leaves at the top. I am not sure they understood but that is the benefit of age because in my 57 years I have climbed many trees, fallen out of a few and climbed more mile markers than I care to remember.
All too soon it was time for the student to leave. They had completed 20km in difficult conditions. Before they got on the bus home I called for 'Jing Sing' and he came forward and sang a Chinese folk song--called 'A Friend' which included the line 'friends are always together even when they are apart'. I confess my eyes started filling up at this point. The other students decided to join in to drown out the noise of the traffic on the busy roadside. How I wanted to be able to join them in Chinese.
This way in which young people in China support each other where in other cultures perhaps the instinct is to make fun of each other is in my view their greatest qualities which I hope in their great progress and prosperity they will never lose.

责编:李   倩